(August 28, 2004 continued)
SB 1152 - WHAT IT will mean if the Governor of California signs it into law. Senate Bill 1152 was amended this past week to change firearms ammo to handgun ammo in an attempt to get the votes to pass it. The Antis for sure will be back next year to try and include all firearms ammo in a new bill, after all that's what they started with in SB 1152.
Here is what you will have to do if SB 1152 becomes law. When you want to purchase ammo for your handgun the retail seller will record the following information on a California State Department of Justice (DOJ) form:
(1) the date of your purchase
(2) your name, address, and date of birth
(3) your driver's license or other identification number and the state in which it was issued
(4) the brand, type, and amount of ammunition you are buying
(5) you will have to sign the form
(6) the salesperson who sold you the ammo will have to list their name
(7) the seller will also require you to put your right thumbprint on the form
They want you to feel like the criminal, the problem is, except for the really dumb criminals, the real criminals will just get their ammo from out of state or other illegal means, just like they do their guns. But you and I will be the ones punished.
Hundred of thousands, if not millions of Californians will be forced to go through this process in an attempt to catch the few bad guys to dumb to buy their ammo out of state or through illegal means.
In addition, the small retailers who sell most of the ammo in California will be saddled with even more state paperwork, forcing some to stop selling ammo. Just what the anti-gun people want.
It's time to fight back - let's do it in November at the ballot box.
(August 28, 2004)
YESTERDAY WAS A bad day for hunters and gun owners in California. On the final day for bills to be passed, two anti-hunting and anti-gun bills passed and will go to the Governor for his signature.
SB 1152 - Thumbprint when buying ammo,
AB 50 - Ban ownership of the 50 caliber rifle
We will shortly be sending out information on how you can help us tell Arnold to veto these bills. In addition, we are working on the information you will need to campaign against those senate and assembly members who voted to take our rights away. We need to do everything we can to remove them from office in November.
I/WesternHunter.com endorsed Arnold during the recall. Now he has a chance to show all of us with his veto of these bills, that our decision was not a mistake.
(August 23, 2004)
DOVE SEASON IS just around the corner (Sept 1st). If you're sitting in the field at first light, you are sure to find those mosquitoes buzzing around you. I usually take my Bandito camo headnet I use for archery hunting because it keeps most of those biting winged insects away, but some do get me. This year I will also make sure I have bug spray with DEET so I can cut my odds of getting bit by a mosquito carrying the dangerous West Nile Virus. In addition, I will also be adding a pair of rubber gloves so I can avoid the blood while cleaning my birds. Even though the chances are slim of getting the disease from just coming in contact with the blood, I'm not taking a chance.
(August 22, 2004)
DOES THE GATOR have a license for deer hunting? Friend and hunter, Jeff Sheldon of San Jose, California forwarded these pictures he received in an email with the following information.
This was taken by a KTBS helicopter flying over Cross Lake! (For those of you who are not local, Cross Lake is in Shreveport, La.) That has to be a HUGE gator to have a whole deer in its mouth! Are you ready to go skiing on Cross Lake?! If you ski at the west end of the lake -- try not to fall.

(August 21, 2004)
GOOD FRIEND, JIM Matthews recently sent out one of his hunting columns and I thought one of the items might bring a smile to your face. Matthews is not only a fellow outdoor writer, he also is the editor of California Hog Hunter newsletter. If you are interested in it, Jim can be reached at his email address odwriter@earthlink.net or via mail at Outdoor News Service, P.O. Box 9007, San Bernardino, CA 92427-0007. Here's your smile.
There was an entertaining story on the AP wire Wednesday about a bear in Washington that broke into coolers and drank all the beer. Well, almost all the beer. The selective bear preferred the locally-brewed Rainier beer to the equally available Busch by a 36-to-one ratio. Wildlife agents could only find one Busch can that had been opened, but there were punctured and drained Rainiers everywhere.
Would Colorado bears prefer Coors?
(August 19, 2004)
BARNES BULLETS PULLED their support for a hunting show today. In the press release I received (shown below), you can see the flap over the Arizona nonresident lawsuit by United States Outfitters has hunters on both sides of the issue.
Barnes Bullets
Press Release
Fellow Hunters:
After carefully evaluating the information and comments received concerning the litigation between United States Outfitters and the State of Arizona, Barnes Bullets has withdrawn its sponsorship of USO's "Real Hunting Adventures."
While Barnes has used USO's outfitting services with satisfaction, Barnes Bullets has never been a party to, nor endorsed, United States Outfitter's lawsuit regarding the availability and distribution of non-resident hunting tags in Arizona or any other western state.
We at Barnes Bullets appreciate the concerns our customers have expressed, and hope this action assures them we have their best interests at heart. Barnes Bullets offers financial support to many organizations dedicated to wildlife conservation and the preservation of the hunting and shooting sports. The list includes the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Safari Club International, the Wild Turkey Federation, Sportsmen for Fish & Wildlife, the National Shooting Sports Foundation and the National Rifle Association.
We regret any event that causes dissension in hunter ranks or between sportsmen and regulatory organizations.
Randy and Coni Brooks
Barnes Bullets
(August 16, 2004)
THE VOTE IS very close. Below is information we just received from the Outdoor Sportsmen's Coalition of California. Get on the phone or send those emails today or you'll be giving them your thumbprint tomorrow. Here is the information from Keith Riggenberg with OSCC.
SB 1152 (Scott) Ammunition needs a total of 41 votes in order to pass. We are close to losing the bill. The bill can be taken up anytime between tomorrow and August 27th. Please review the link below for the roll call and call legislators in your district if they have voted AYE to change their vote to NO. Also if there are legislators who did not vote, please lobby to have them vote NO on this bill.
SB 1733 (Speier) Firearms: sales at the Cow Palace is also on reconsideration and can be brought up on the floor anytime between tomorrow and August 27th. I have also attached the roll call from the last vote.
Lastly, AB 50 (Koretz) .50 caliber BMG rifles is still to up for a hearing on the floor. It has not yet been taken up on the floor, but will before August 27th.
Thank you and continue lobbying all legislators on the above bills.
Keith Ringgenberg
Their votes so far.
(August 14, 2004)
A ZONE DEER hunting began today for California rifle hunters. This area of hunting in California covers the coastal mountains from Ventura County north to Mendicino County. Much of this property is private so unless you know a landowner you will have a hard time finding a place to hunt. One option that you might consider is Wilderness Unlimited, a hunting club which leases ranches for their members to hunt. In addition, to the ranches they already have leased, we were just notified of the following new leases for this year.
The Twin Peaks Ranch spans 5,000 acres in Fresno and San Benito Counties east of Priest Valley. This ranch also supports wild boar, quail and dove hunting opportunities.
The Circle "V" Ranch lies west of San Ardo in Monterey County. This 5,000 ranch also will be available for wild boar, quail, dove and spring turkey hunting.
The Campbell Ranch encompasses 10,000 acres west of Willits in Mendocino County. Bear and quail hunting are additional options. This ranch also includes approximately 7 miles of Big River for winter steelhead fishing.
Camp 19 lies just north of the Campbell ranch. Quail and turkey hunting are also included on this 900 acre ranch. Two ponds, one with trout and the other with bass and bluegill are available for fishing year round
For more information contact Wilderness Unlimited at:
Phone: 510-785-4868
e-mail: info@wildernessunlimited
web: www.wildernessunlimited.com
(August 12, 2004)
SPECIAL ELK HUNT information. If you are not familar with Santa Rosa Island, it is located off the southern coast of California near Ventura. The island is home to mule deer and Roosevelt elk. Multiple Use Managers (MUM) operates the hunting program on the island. They need to harvest more cow elk because of a directive from the National Park Service to reduce the herd. Because of this, they will be doing additional hunts in December and probably late spring. Current plans are for three day hunts for four hunters. Success will be 100%, unless you're using your grandfather's old iron sights that has a crooked barrel! Cost for this chance to fill your freeze with great elk meat is $1,800 per person. This is a guided hunt and no tags or licenses are required.
If you want more details on these hunts contact Gordy Long at (800) 557-7087. Tell him Jerry at WesternHunter.com told you to call.
(August 11, 2004)
HERE IS WHY my son and I are going to the California Sportsmen's Lobby Fund-Raising Dinner on August 20th in Ripon, California. Just look at the anti-hunting/anti-gun bills listed below under August 9th. It is important for us to have a lobbyist in Sacramento watching out for these kind of bills otherwise we could just kiss our hunting goodbye.
It's not to late to attend this dinner/auction, get more information by clicking the link below.
(August 9, 2004)
THREE MORE GUN bills will be heard by the California Assembly before the end of August. Everyone needs to call or write their Assembly person to voice your opposition to these anti-hunting/anti-gun bills.
SB 1152 to require gun dealers to register and fingerprint individuals every time they purchase a box of ammunition.
SB 1733 to end popular Bay area gun shows held at the San Francisco Cow Palace Fairgrounds by banning the sale and transfer of firearms and ammunition on the premises.
AB 50 to expand Californias current assault weapons law to include a ban on the future manufacture, sale and possession of .50 caliber BMG rifles.
(August 4, 2004)
YESTERDAY WAS A tough day for me, my wife and the deer herds of California. My wife and I drove a little south of Salinas, California to attend the memorial service for Phil Bassetti, the President of the California Deer Association, and a guy you would love to have at your campfire. Phil was just 63 years old when his heart gave out unexpectedly on July 27th.
Well over 500 people attended the service and even in death Phil's love of hunting was shown. His memorial handout and the front of the church displayed a picture of Phil with the elk he took in Nevada just a couple of years ago. Below is a picture I have of Phil with his 6x7, 379 B&C elk. I know he would be proud to have it shared with others who love hunting. We'll think of him this year when we sit around the campfire.

(August 2, 2004)
APPLICATIONS FOR SECOND chance Idaho tags can be submitted from August 5 though August 15. Hunters who were successful in the draw for controlled hunts for deer, elk, antelope and black bear had until Sunday to claim their tags. Idaho Fish and Game sent out close to 18,000 reminder postcards to those that drew. Idaho has a "use it or lose it" rule. The second drawing for those tags which went unclaimed is set for August 26.
Tags can be purchased from license vendors, through the Fish and Game web site at <http://fishandgame.idaho.gov> and over the phone at 1-800-554-8685. Internet and phone sales require use of a credit card; the contractor handling those transactions do charge a convenience fee.