Each year, Chuck Cornett organizes his Prairie Dog Conference which takes places in June in the Dakotas. This event gives hunters a chance to team up with outdoor writers for the opportunity to send some high-speed lead at those dancing dogs. Here is the information about this year's event from the DogFather himself (Chuck Cornett).
It's time to register but spaces are limited.
Dates: June 3-5, 2004
Location: Headquarters will be Comfort Inn; Hot Springs, South Dakota
Shooting Location: Pine Ridge Indian Reservation (guided)
• Comfort Inn Room: $75 per day
• Registration fee: $400 per person
• Tribal License: $80 (no state license needed)
• Total Cost for Meals: $43
The Saturday evening banquet will include a number of giveaway items donated by shooting and hunting vendors. This banquet has no sales tables, no boring speeches, no comedians — just a group of dedicated shooters out to have a good time as they have had for the past ten years.
This year's outdoor writers attending are Craig Boddington, Sam Fadala, Mickey Fowler, Phil Johnston, Sheila Link, Guy Neill, Buck Pope, Clair Rees, Layne Simpson, Tom Turpin, Wayne VanZwoll, and Stuart Williams.
To register or get more information, contact:
Chuck Cornett
P. O. Box 9711
Fresno, CA 93793
Phone (559) 439-9511
Fax (559) 439-5952
Email: dogfather@sti.net |