Nevada — Pheasant Hunting Mistake
Contrary to what was incorrectly printed in the state's upland game birds seasons and limits brochure, the hunting of pheasants will remain closed to nonresidents this year as in the past. The words "open to nonresidents" found under the listing of various pheasant hunting seasons in the brochure was actually meant to follow the listing of chukar and Hungarian partridge — which are open to nonresidents — in the previous listing, according to Nevada Division of Wildlife. The fact that pheasant hunting is closed to nonresidents in Nevada is noted in the "Special Regulations/Information" section under the listing of various pheasant hunting seasons, but NDOW notes that having the contradictory listings is obviously confusing to the reader. The pheasant hunting season in Clark County will extend October 14-20. In Lyon and Pershing counties, this season will run November 4-12. In Carson City, Churchill, Douglas, Elko, Eureka, Humboldt, Lander, Storey, Washoe and White Pine counties, the pheasnat hunt will extend November 4-19. The limit in all open counties is two daily, four in possession. Copies of NDOW's pocket-sized 2000 Upland Game Birds, Rabbits, Mourning Dove and Crow Season and Limit Regulations brochures are available at all retail stores that sell hunting and fishing licenses, as well as at all NDOW offices throughout the state. Nevada Division of Wildlife is asking hunters to remove a wing from each sage grouse harvested this year and deposit them in special collection barrels located near hunting areas. Information derived from the study of the wings will be used in the ongoing, long-term study of the state's sage grouse population. Division biologists are able to obtain sex and age data from the wings. They are also able to determine if an adult female successfully hatched a brood of chicks. Fires this and last year destroyed key sage grouse habitat in several areas, and NDOW stresses it is especially important that biologists are able to collect as much data as possible from a large number of wings. Hunters are asked to remove the least damaged wing from each bird and deposit it in a collection barrel. The barrels are being placed in strategic areas near sage grouse habitat. If a barrel cannot be located, wings may be left at any NDOW office. Those who deposit wings at a NDOW office will be asked to provide the date and location of the harvest, and attach it to the wing. Wings may also be given to Division personnel in the field or at hunter check-stations. Hunters are asked to keep the wing dry and away from flies by placing it in a paper bag. Do not use a plastic bag. Information from this study will be used to develop and implement conservation plans to benefit sage grouse and to address a statewide decline in their population. Those swan tag applicants who were successful in the tag draw are reminded that swan season will open October 21, 2000, and run through January 7, 2001, in Churchill, Pershing, and Lyon counties. Tag recipients were notified by mail in early October. Any remaining tags are available on a first-come, first-served basis through the mail or over-the-counter during normal business hours (M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) at the Hunt Application Office, 185 North Maine Street, Fallon, Nevada. Although many other swan hunting areas are open, the Stillwater NWR is closed to all waterfowl hunting this year due to a lack of water. Due to that fact, the state Division of Wildlife will be offering swan tag refunds to any hunters who return tags to the Hunt Application Office by October 30. The HAO address is listed above. Successful swan hunters are required to have their tags and swans validated at the following swan tag validation sites within five days of harvest: any regional NDOW office weekdays, from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; and Mason Valley Wildlife Management Area, from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays. Hunters are alerted the dates listed with each walk-in area are the opening and closing dates for public access for the area and not necessarily the time-frame for hunting all the species available on the area. This has been a typical question the G&F has received on the subject: "The dates for the walk-in area I want to hunt are September 1-December 31, and antelope is listed as a permitted species on that area. Does that mean I can hunt antelope in December there?" The answer is "no." The species permitted for each walk-in area can only be hunted during the open season for that species. In addition to consulting their walk-in area atlas for access, hunters also need to refer to the regulations for each species to learn the open season for the animal being hunted. Hunters are asked to check three things when using walk-in areas: 1) The dates the area is open for public access. 2) The species permitted to be hunted on the area. 3) The season dates in the regulations for the species. The G&F has fielded this question on several species that were not officially in season and frequently checked hunters who were hunting out-of-season species on walk-in areas who said they were confused by the dates listed in the atlas. Controlled hunt drawing: This change eliminates a longstanding "second chance draw" for under-subscribed tags, simplifies the process, and reduces costs. Under-subscribed tags not issued during the June drawing will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis. For example, if the Commission authorizes 1,000 tags to be issued for a particular hunt and only 800 tags are drawn, then 200 tags would be available. Tags drawn in June, but not purchased by the deadline will not be made available. The Oregon Legislature directed ODFW to make under-subscribed tags available as a second tag opportunity for up to four times the regular price on a first-come, first-served basis. This means that hunters who were successful in the draw or purchased a general season tag have the choice of purchasing a second tag for the same type of hunt. In the past, hunters were allowed only one tag per hunt type, such as buck deer or elk. In addition, hunters who did not draw a controlled hunt tag or purchase a general season tag can now buy an under-subscribed tag. The tag sale deadline is September 28, 2001, which is the day before the buck deer season begins in most areas of the state. It also coincides with the tag sale deadline for cougar. Every October, Wyoming Game and Fish Department offices field calls similar to this: "I live in the country and somebody shot an antelope and left it on our road." Investigation almost always reveals the sighting was only a carcass left as litter by someone who processed their own game. Hunters may think they are completing the food chain by returning the carcass to nature's scavengers, but discarding the carcass along a road is actually littering. It is also illegal, and shocking to the regular users, to throw carcasses in private dumpsters. "Show some respect to the animal harvested and other citizens by taking care of the carcass properly so it is not seen by unsuspecting individuals," said Steve DeCecco, Green River wildlife supervisor. Proper disposal varies by community. In some areas, carcasses are hauled away with the regular trash. Casper requires hunters to deliver carcasses to a special landfill. In Cheyenne, municipal dumpsters specifically for carcasses are on Old Happy Jack Road near the intersection with Missile Drive during hunting season. Hunters are urged to contact their local sanitation department for disposal instructions. |
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