Hunting Memories

X8 California Buck

Just wanted to pass along a photo of the buck I harvested in the X8 Zone the second day of the California season. The buck field dressed out in great health at 165 pounds. To compare this buck to my size, I am 6' and 210 pounds. The shot was about 250 yards out amongst a herd of does and fawns in the early morning. We saw a total of 26 deer on opening day with four being bucks (a 3x3, two forkies, and a spike). My partner missed a 3x3 that same day about 400 yards from where this buck was taken. Overall the herd looked better than last year's (I took a 3x3 on opening day in 1999), and hope my luck holds out for next year's draw!

Submitted by: Paul Fenwick

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