The following are some of the questions and comments from the Modesto Stakeholder meeting held in July at the Oakdale Sportman's Club.
I hurt my arm, why can't I hunt with a crossbow during the archery season?
Be fairer to seniors (priority and lower costs).
Do some guys know people in the DFG because they get drawn every year?
You are controlling hunters, why not get deer numbers up?
The PLM program is not fair landowners should not be able to sell tags.
Preference points should be used to hunt PLM properties.
How will you keep track of the points?
You are losing 5% of the hunters a year because we can't hunt where we want to hunt.
You should be kicked off the list for two or three years if you are drawn.
The current system hurts the family tradition of hunting. Let everyone hunt the zone they want, then close the zone when it hits the kill level.
We want doe hunts.
I don't want doe hunts. Look at Nevada as an example of what doe hunts did.
X5b should be 3-point or better.
If you apply for a Premium tag, whether you get a deer or not, you should be out of the draw for the next year.
Why can't you use a crossbow during archery season? The bows with cams are just as fast as the crossbows.
I heard a rumor that Sierra Club members are applying for the X12 zone to take way tags from hunters.
Close down some of the zones for a year or two.
Are mountain lions hurting deer numbers?
Because Yosemite has a high buck-to-doe ratio, the public thinks there is no problem with California's deer herds.
Is Preference Point system going to apply to elk and antelope?
Why do we kill bucks before they breed?
Focus should be on poaching, encroachment, mountain lions and declining deer numbers.
How would preference points be handled when putting in as a party?